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Back to the Congressman - Walkthrough

If you get stuck and the operator's tips don't help, we have put together a walkthrough for you here. But beware! You could spoil your fun. Please read only in an emergency.

Chapter 1: "On the way"

If you click on the end of the visible path, you will continue “walking” through the forest.
Signpost in the forest:

In which of these places did Simon Dickson have his estate? You’re after his money, try his house!

Fiona’s letter (bottom left in the picture) can help you if you don’t know where the estate is located.

Try going to the Kahlenberg!

Padlock on the gate:

Have you found Fiona’s postcard? She must have dropped it just behind the gate. Which four animals can be found on the back?

Have you taken a closer look at the animal tracks in front of the gate? Do they match the animals on Fiona’s map?

Count the matching footprints of the animals and try to enter them in the order of the picture postcard: horse – pig – dog – cat at the castle!

The code you are looking for is: 2 7 5 6.

Code lock on the gate of the manor house:

Press “C” to reset the code entered and start again; the key symbol is used to confirm the code.

Were you attentive on the path through the forest before you reached the gate? If not, you can go back the way you came by clicking at the beginning of the path.

There were signs carved on three trees along the way. Not only the numbers themselves, but also the positions in the square are important!

2 . . . . . . . 6
. . . . 1 . 5 . .
. 7 . . . 4 . . 3

The code consists of 7 digits.

The carved square corresponds to the keypad on the gate (digits 1-9); the first digit of the code you are looking for is 5 (center-center).

The second digit is 1, followed by 9.

Enter the code 5 1 9 9 4 3 8 and then click on the key symbol.

Knock on the door!

When you click on the door knob, you hear a sequence of sounds. Each of the four fittings also produces a specific sound.

Try playing the tone sequence by clicking on the four fittings!

The first, white fitting makes one noise; the second makes two knocking noises, the third makes three and so on.

The sequence in the code played is: 1 3 2 4 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 4
1 is top left, 4 is bottom right.

Chapter 2: "The manor house"

Fuse box I

Go to the fuse box and open it. The first fuse on the left (double, 25A) only needs to be set to “on” when the fuses on the right are in the correct position. The second, somewhat charred fuse resets all the others.
Listen carefully to what noise the other fuses make when you switch them!

One of the right-hand fuses sounds different from the others. This should remain up.

Switch the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 7th fuses down and then click on the first one to switch on the light.

Now there is light on the upper floor

Did someone carve something into the wall next to the door?

Is there something hidden under the 6th chair from the left? Have a look there!

With the clue on the wall you will find a piece of paper with secret writing under the 6th armchair from the left.

the strange writing, fuse box II

It almost looks as if you could almost recognize some of the words at first glance.

Some letters are replaced by strange characters. As a little hint, you can see the “translation” of the first word written above it in red.

Why don’t you write the coded message on a piece of paper (or print it out!). You already know the letters “d”, “i” and “e”. Add them wherever they appear.

Did you know that “e” is the most common letter in texts in our alphabet?

What could the fourth word mean… could it be “emergency power”? Now you know more letters again! Can you guess any more words?

“The switches for the emergency power
first floor must be in the right position, otherwise
otherwise the light will not come on.
It is important that the first and third
third small switch are at the top.
The others point downwards.”

Here you count from the small fuses to the right of the reset: leave numbers 1 and 3 up, switch the others down. (If you start counting from the very first fuse on the left labeled “on”, i.e. numbers 3 and 5).
Then set the leftmost one back to “on”. You now have light on the first floor.

Now there is light on the first floor

Now that it’s no longer dark, take a good look around! There is an object to be found here.

Take a look in the vase on the right – below the lamp, which is now lit!

Click on the vase on the right under the lamp and you will find a key inside.

Where could the key you found in the vase under the lamp fit? You’ll probably have to go back upstairs – you’ve already switched on the light upstairs properly once before. If you can’t remember, check “Fuse box I” again!
Then you can open the door at the top with the key.

in Salon I

There’s a lot to discover here! How long has it been since you’ve been to the hairdresser since the start of lockdown? Luckily there are mirrors here. Take a look inside, how do you look?

Only after you’ve looked in both mirrors do you realize that someone has smeared on the wall again! But what could the words mean?

Count the objects in the room that are named on the wall inscription!

Are you sure you’ve discovered all the chairs?

Enter the number of objects in the order of the wall inscription in the code lock on the wall next to the door and then click on the key symbol.

Chairs-mirrors-sconces are the words that you can recognize in the two mirrors on the wall.

There are twelve chairs, two mirrors and four sconces in the room. Enter 1 2 2 4 in the code lock and click on the key.

in Salon II (why isn’t the door open yet?)

You have entered the code correctly, but the door is still locked. Perhaps you have activated something else in the room? Take another look around!

There are four switches on the small floor lamp. I wonder what they do?

There is a picture on the wall next to the small floor lamp. I wonder what the artist has painted there? Is this really the room we are in?

The switches obviously operate the four wall lamps.

In the painting, only two of the four sconces are switched on. I wonder why?

Why is the small floor lamp on the painting on the right and not on the left? Is the picture painted in mirror image?

Adjust the sconces as shown in the (mirror-inverted!) painting, i.e. so that the second and fourth lamps are switched on; then the door will open and you can continue.

Chapter 3: "In the office"

Did you find the pieces of paper with the flags?

Did you find the wall safe? Where could it be hidden?

The safe behind the painting has a five-digit code. Did you find all five flags? How can they possibly fit together…

Are you sure you recognized the flags correctly and spotted the corresponding countries on the world map?

Did you find the corresponding countries on the world map?

2 8 7 4 1 (Sweden Portugal Canada Brazil Australia)

Which three people could only fit the description of the notes? Beards, ties, headgear…?

There are several people on the banknotes in the safe. Perhaps three of them can be clearly identified?

The person descriptions apply to the persons on the banknotes: this provides 5 8 3.

Have you found the key? Where can it fit? Look by the bookshelf!

This flashlight produces a strange light. Is that UV? You can see things with it that you couldn’t see with the naked eye before!

Look under the carpet with the UV lamp!

Have you found all four pieces of paper with scribbles?

Take a look over the bookshelf, maybe you’ll see a connection!

A safe is hidden behind the painting above the fireplace. Underneath, beneath the small clock that has fallen over, there is a torn piece of paper with two flags: Sweden and Portugal.

In the cigar box on the desk is the second half of the note with the flags of Canada, Brazil and Australia.

On the map on the wall you can find the numbers of the respective countries: 2 8 7 4 1 and use this code to open the safe.

You will find the following note on the desk in the typewriter:

“1. for a man of the world like me
Are beards a frippery
The glasses offer a clear view,
The tie elegance.”

In the desk, in the second drawer from the top on the right-hand side, you will find a note:

“2 Something adorns my head,
It is not a crown,
I’m wearing something around my neck,
but keep it simple.

3. for noble gentlemen like me
Wearing a tie is compulsory,
I certainly wear a beard,
But a full beard it is not.”

In the safe you will find a note with the antlers on the wall at the top left, upside down (pointing downwards).

You will find 9 banknotes in the safe. With the descriptions of the people (beards, headgear, ties…) this gives you the code 5 8 3, which you can use to open the padlock on the drawer on the left-hand side of the desk. Inside you will find the key to the compartment in the bookshelf. Inside is a UV flashlight and a note with the antlers on the wall at the top center, pointing to the left.

With the UV flashlight from the compartment in the bookshelf, you can see the antlers on the wall at the top right under the carpet, pointing to the left.

In the left-hand drawer of the desk, the broad antlers are drawn on the wall below, pointing to the right.

As soon as you adjust the antlers accordingly (down-left-left-right), the chimney opens and you’ve made it!